6/29/2010: Hunt For The Playoffs (Part 2)- Great Lakes Division Remaining Schedule

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Ryan Kozlowski

From what I have on previous results I would expect the Dutch Lions and Forest City London to take the two playoff spots, with Forest City slightly edging out the Dutch Lions for the Great Lakes title unless the Lions get some help-

Dayton Dutch Lions Remaining Schedule:

Schedule/ Chance of winning/ Homefield/ previous result/ Guess of score
Michigan at Dayton/ 50-50/ +/ 1-0 Dayton/ 2-1 Dayton
Dayton at London/ 50-50/ - / 0-0 Tie/ 1-1 Tie
Dayton at Toronto/ 90-10/ -/ 2-0 Dayton/ 3-0 Dayton
Kalamazoo at Dayton/ 90-10/ +/ 4-0 Dayton/ 4-0 Dayton
Dayton at Chicago/ 60-40/ -/ 2-1 Dayton/ 1-0 Dayton

33 points

Chicago Fire PDL Remaining Schedule:

Schedule/ Chance of winning/ Homefield/ previous result/ Guess of score
London at Chicago/ 50-50/ +/ 1-0 Chicago/ 2-0 Chicago
Chicago at Michigan/ 50-50/ -/ 2-1 Chicago/ 1-1 Tie
Indiana at Chicago/ 60-40/ +/ 1-0 Chicago/ 2-0 Chicago
Cleveland at Chicago/ 70-30/ +/ 1-1 Tie/ 2-1 Chicago
Dayton at Chicago/ 40-60/ +/ 2-1 Dayton/ 1-0 Dayton

32 points

Michigan Bucks Remaining Schedule:

Schedule/ Chance of winning/ Homefield/ previous result/ Guess of score
Michigan at London/ 50-50/ -/ 2-2 Tie/ 1-0 London
Michigan at Dayton/ 50-50/ -/ 1-0 Dayton/ 2-1 Dayton
Michigan at Cincinnati/ 60-40/ -/ 2-1 Michigan/ 1-0 Michigan
Chicago at Michigan/ 50-50/ -/ 2-1 Chicago/ 1-1 Tie
Toronto at Michigan/ 80-20/ +/ None/ 3-0 Michigan
Michigan at Toronto/ 70-30/ -/ None/ 1-0 Michigan
Michigan at Indiana/ 60-40/ -/ 3-2 Michigan/ 1-1 Tie

30 points

Forest City London Remaining Schedule:

Schedule/ Chance of winning/ Homefield/ previous result/ Guess of score

Michigan at London/ 50-50/ +/ 2-2 Tie/ 1-0 London
London at Chicago/ 50-50/ -/ 1-0 Chicago/ 2-0 Chicago
London at Indiana/ 60-40/ -/ 6-1 London/ 4-0 London
Dayton at London/ 50-50/ +/ 0-0 Tie/ 1-1 Tie
Cincinnati at London/ 60-40/ +/ 3-2 London/ 2-0 London
Kalamazoo at London/ 75-25/ +/ 5-1 London/ 3-0 London
Cleveland at London/ 60-40/ +/ 2-0 London/ 3-0 London

36 points

Indiana Invaders

Schedule/ Chance of winning/ Homefield/ previous result/ Guess of score

Indiana at Cleveland/ 60-40/ -/ none/ 2-1 Indiana
London at Indiana/ 40-60/ +/ 6-1 Indiana/ 4-0 Indiana
Indiana at Kalamazoo/ 60-40/ -/ 2-1 Indiana/ 1-0 Indiana
Indiana at Chicago/ 60-40/ +/ 1-0 Chicago/ 2-0 Chicago
Cleveland at Indiana/ 60-40/ +/ 2-1 Indiana/ 2-0 Indiana
Cincinnati at Indiana/ 50-50/ +/ 2-1 Indiana/ 1-0 Indiana
Michigan at Indiana/40-60/ +/ 3-2 Michigan/ 1-0 Michigan

31 Points


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